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Podcast Podcast

Why Do I Need a Podcast?

By Michael Nelson

I don’t want to spend too much time on the issue of “how to.” There are plenty of articles and blogs out there on how to create and publish podcasts. Here is a link to a great one that I think spells it out pretty clearly.

This blog can help you go from zero to hero in no time at all.

What I want to focus on is the why. Why would you want to have a podcast? Here are four reasons:

    1. It can position you as an expert and leader in your field. 
    2. It is a great top-of-the-funnel asset for inbound marketing efforts.
    3. It gives you the opportunity to showcase your products and services.
    4. It can be an amazing way to open doors for sales opportunities. 

    Let’s take a quick look at each item.

    Having your own podcast can position you as an expert and leader in your field.

    To clarify: I am not advocating the whole “fake it till you make it” thing. I am not saying that it will position you as an expert and leader if you are not already that. What I am saying is that currently you are an expert and leader in your field, but no one knows this because you are not providing them that information. You need to move from where you are—unrecognized and unknown—to someone who is recognized and known. People you have never heard of will know who you are—that is what I mean by positioning. A podcast is a great way to introduce content to the marketplace that helps move you from unknown to known.

    Podcasts make for great content that can be used as top-of-the-funnel assets for inbound marketing.

    Here’s the deal: A podcast episode does not give you just one piece of content. At a minimum, it should give you three pieces of content. There is the podcast itself, the blog you write about the podcast (or, at the very least, a written description listed on your website), and then the video of the podcast. That makes three pieces of content that can be key pieces of your inbound marketing strategy. They can be used on social media, your website and in your email campaigns. And the video, of course, can be uploaded to YouTube. If tagged properly and with the right description, that video can help boost your organic SEO as well as help get more views natively on YouTube. 

    A podcast gives you an opportunity to showcase your products and services. 

    I don’t mean that each podcast should be a commercial, but you can organically work into the conversation different points about what you do. This helps define your expertise and why people should listen. You also have the opportunity to throw in something at the beginning and ending of the production that can serve as a 30-60-second commercial about your business. Listeners will not be turned off by this. 

    Podcasts, depending on the format, can be a great way to open up dialogue with potential sales prospects and begin a relationship that could very well win business.

    You have to be very careful with this, so let me explain a little more in depth. Let’s pretend you own a business whose target market is retail stores in your downtown area. That is something we have a lot of in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Rather than kicking down doors looking for sales opportunities, why not create a podcast that tells the story of downtown Saratoga Springs and how it has changed over the years? You invite guests such as city leaders, real estate agents and—you guessed it!—downtown business owners in Saratoga Springs. You must remember that this is not a sales call or a sales opportunity. This is simply a chance to meet someone who represents your target market by taking the first step in forming a relationship. Don’t get me wrong: It very well may lead to business opportunities. But don’t force it.  All you need to worry about is having an interesting show, helping the business owners highlight what they do and how amazing their stores are, and then waiting for things to blossom. It’s a no-pressure strategy that can pay big dividends if done correctly. Don’t screw it up by trying to get into a sales conversation. If done correctly, when the participants are ready, they will reach out to you. After all, now they know you and (probably) like you, and you have had the chance to build some trust. 

    This, hopefully, has shed some light on why you should have a podcast. I am sure you have questions, and I would be glad to chat. To do so, just shoot me an email. 

    Wondering how you should start a podcast? Contact us.

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