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photography photography

Capturing Your Brand with Photography

By Lillian Buck

Businesses are a reflection of people. Like any other person walking down the street, businesses are constantly judged based on first impressions. From fonts and colors to unflattering pictures and spelling errors – a customer analyzes all of this and forms their own assumptions. 

However, these impressions can be influenced by carefully constructed branding decisions. As such, photography and graphic design must work in tandem to best capture the authentic and unique personality of your company. Or at least help give it a well-earned makeover, if necessary. 

Gaining Credibility Through Photography

When creating your brand identity, it is important to establish a recognizable voice and image. Especially in a digital age in which people may use images that misrepresent their product or service. Whether accidental or intentional, these poorly chosen images can negatively affect your company by creating a grandiose image…No one enjoys being Catfished. 

However, this doesn’t mean that all stock imagery is bad or that all shaky pictures can be used to generate authenticity. When selecting images and creating graphics, a graphic designer must analytically dissect every element of the image. This portion of the creative process helps us best determine how to accurately portray your brand identity.

Fostering Connections With A Photograph

On-site photography, product photography, and candid photography are essential to building trust between you and your customers and make for great promotional material. These photographs can help the viewer build positive associations with your company.

Examples of these photographs include: product photography; trade-specific machinery/equipment; candid shots of your team working; before and after shots; updated headshots and group shots; and more. When shot with an appealing composition and edited, these images set the basis for what your customer can expect.

In Conclusion

It is vital to maintain an updated portfolio and social media presence when fostering and maintaining connections with your clients. If you fall behind on such, you could lose potential customers to a competing company as your marketing becomes outdated and your services lose their appeal.